
1. Guinan, M., M. McGuckin, and Y. Ali. 2002. The effect of a comprehensive hand washing program on absenteeism in elementary schools. American Journal of Infection Control 31: 1-8.
2. Teacher Absence as a Leading Indicator of Student Achievement, Center for American Progress, November 2012.
3. 218 Vol. 30 No.4 (Guinan, Maryellen), The Effect of a Comprehensive Handwashing Program on Elementary School Absenteeism, American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), 2002.
4. B. Hammond, Y. Ali, E. Fendler, M. Dolan and S. Donovan. 2000. Effect of hand sanitizer use on elementary school absenteeism. Am J Infect Control 28: 340-6. (Hammond, BS), Effect of hand sanitizer use on elementary school absenteeism, American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), 2000.

PURELL® Products are Proven to Reduce Absenteeism


PURELL Products for Students


On average, illness causes 144 million lost school days each year1, and missing school can have a significant effect on a student’s performance. In fact, research has shown that attendance rates to be a better predictor of dropouts than grades or standardized test scores. Decreased test scores and lowered graduation rates can also affect students’ success later in life, since a diploma is often a requirement for most jobs.

PURELL Products for Teachers

Teacher absenteeism also hurts performance. Even with highly qualified substitutes, students don’t learn as effectively without their regular teachers. And since on any given day, 5.3% of teachers are absent across America2, thousands of students can be affected daily. Coupled with $4 billion2 in additional costs annually as a result of teacher absenteeism, it’s clear that healthy teachers are essential to a productive learning environment.

Hand Hygiene Matters


Research has shown that when used alongside a curriculum to teach students about hand hygiene, PURELL® products can reduce student absenteeism by up to 51%.3 Additionally, teachers who follow this program also experience a 10% reduction of absenteeism.4 By helping students and teachers stay healthier, PURELL® products can have a significant impact on test scores, graduation rates and can help your school champion a healthier learning environment.