

Can Anyone at GOJO Help Me with an Efficacy Question?

GOJO technical personnel know the science of hand hygiene, monitor the latest research affecting the category and work with global thought leaders, so they may respond to your questions. To contact GOJO technical personnel, call 800-321-9647 and mention that you have a question about efficacy.

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Can I customize PURELL® amenity bottles with my hotel logo?

Absolutely. We would be happy to discuss a customized program for your hotel. Contact us for custom program details or call us at 1-800-321-9647.

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What is the active ingredient in PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer?

The active ingredient in PURELL is ethyl alcohol - sometimes referred to as "mother nature's disenfectant." Ethyl alcohol is classified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Category I active ingredient, which means it's generally recognized as safe and effective when used as directed.

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When Should PURELL® Products Be Used?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be used when hands are not visibly soiled. If hands are visibly soiled, use soap and water.

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Why Alcohol?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends practicing good hand hygiene by washing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The CDC recommends only alcohol-based sanitizers. Note: The CDC does not recommend non-alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

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Why Should I consider the GOJO Program for My Hotels?

Increasing guest loyalty may be your smartest business investment. Loyal customers drive increasing profits from repeat stays, reduced acquisition costs, referrals, and earned price premiums. The GOJO Program for Hotels reminds guests of your care.

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Contact Information

Contact: GOJO Public Relations

Email: News@GOJO.com

This contact information is for journalists only. Please include your contact information and deadline in your message.

For all other inquiries, please contact GOJO customer service at the GOJO Contact Us form.