Report on Fighting Against Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains

Pursuant to Canadian Bill S-211, Fighting Against Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains Act, GOJO Industries, Inc. provides this report.

GOJO Industries, Inc. (“GOJO”) is headquartered in the United States and a corporation registered in the State of Ohio. GOJO manufactures goods in our facilities in the United States, along with our global network of suppliers and supply chains; GOJO sells goods into Canada through distribution.

GOJO is a strong supporter of human rights globally in its workplace and its global supply chain. GOJO does not condone forced labor or any other human rights violations within its supply chain. GOJO’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which is used as part of our new supplier qualification process, requires that all suppliers comply with all federal, state, country, and local laws, and expressly prohibits the use of forced labor and child labor. 

To help ensure the effectiveness of our policies, GOJO utilizes a system of controls, both internal and external, to prevent the use of forced and child labor within its supply chain, including owned facilities, third-party manufacturing facilities, and its suppliers.  Further, GOJO’s terms and conditions of purchase also expressly prohibit the use of forced labor and child labor.  Lastly, GOJO utilizes a third-party service to monitor compliance risk within its supply chain. These measures are taken by GOJO to help mitigate any forced labor in our supply chain and help mitigate any loss of income to the vulnerable families impacted by forced labor.

If GOJO becomes aware of any violations to these policies – whether part of the new supplier qualification process or ongoing monitoring of active suppliers – we will not do business with that supplier.

GOJO provides training about our Supplier Code of Conduct to our employees who are involved with our supply chain and involved with making any supply chain decisions.